Peer Mentors

Experts in the field &

ready to lead the next generation

Welcome to the Heart of CounselMore

We are thrilled to introduce you to our Peer Mentors, an integral part of our community where innovation intersects with mentorship. These professional mentors go beyond being Brand Ambassadors; they are seasoned student affairs specialists and adept CounselMore software navigators.

As pillars of professional mentorship, camaraderie, and generosity, they play a pivotal role on our Advisory Board. They advocate for counselors, drive the evolution of our technology, and ensure that CounselMore stays at the forefront of the industry.

Our Peer Mentors enrich the CounselMore experience through various channels, including our Mentorship Circle, specialized workgroup meetings such as, Seasoned with Experience, and our engaging Friday morning study halls. They are dedicated to bolstering our collective commitment to excellence in educational planning.

Join a community that not only propels your professional growth but also enhances your visibility in the industry. Start your leadership journey and gain recognition within your field. Below, our Peer Mentors warmly invite you to explore CounselMore and encourage you to reach out with any questions or to join our vibrant community. Register for events here.

 Our Esteemed Peer Mentors

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Lee Norwood

Annapolis College Consulting

Lee Norwood is not only an example of professional excellence in educational consulting, she's the coolest counselor! Hosting Burgers & Bands, rock and roll event each Spring, to raise money for teen-suicide prevention. Offering 1:1 premiere college planning services, her students voted her best in town, 2 years running. Most recently, she started an equity in action project; College Sharks, for DIY planning, with her guidance. Lee credits CounselMore for her ability to scale her services via CounselMore Assignment-emails, and Application Tracker. Lee's practice continues to expand by adding new counselors to the team. Her dedication to the CounselMore community is evident through her commitment to sharing best practices and enhancing the capabilities of new educational consultants: CounselMore will be your nuts and bolts to build your vision! Lee’s approach is deeply rooted in authentic growth and professional generosity, aiming to equip her colleagues with the tools necessary for success in the complex landscape of college admissions. As a seasoned consultant, Lee not only contributes to the development of the CounselMore platform but also actively engages in creating a supportive network, fostering a spirit of collaboration among professionals.

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Marc Gray

Odyssey College Prep

Marc Gray, the Director of Education at Odyssey College Prep, brings his extensive expertise in college admissions and aptitude testing to his role as the coordinator of the Mentor Circle at CounselMore. Marc's involvement is pivotal every last Thursday of the month, where he facilitates discussions that are crucial for professional development within the CounselMore community. His commitment to enhancing educational consulting practices through strategic use of aptitude assessments exemplifies the spirit of professional generosity that CounselMore champions. Marc's leadership in these sessions provides invaluable insights, fostering a collaborative environment that encourages growth and learning among peers.

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Nagla Orlando

Knowledge Worx for College

Nagla Orlando serves as the charismatic host of the popular College Coffee Talk sessions at CounselMore, where she combines her extensive experience in admissions and educational guidance to facilitate engaging and informative discussions. Her role involves not just hosting but also curating content that encourages deep dives into various aspects of college admissions, from campus culture to application strategies. Nagla's involvement in CounselMore is pivotal in fostering a community where educational consultants can come together to learn, share insights, and grow professionally. Her efforts ensure that the platform remains a vibrant hub for knowledge exchange and professional development within the college counseling field. Ask me a question

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Anthony Russomanno

AR Advising

Anthony Russomanno, the seasoned educator behind AR Advising and a dedicated Peer Mentor for CounselMore, has over 30 years of experience across various roles in education and admissions. By integrating CounselMore into his operations, Anthony has enhanced the efficiency and impact of his extensive educational programs. As a leader of the "Seasoned with Experience" meetings at CounselMore, he facilitates vital collaboration among industry professionals, fostering a rich exchange of insights and strategies. This role leverages CounselMore’s robust tools to streamline administrative tasks, enhance counselor collaboration, and utilize data-driven insights for program and student performance optimization. Additionally, CounselMore supports his professional development and connects him with a vibrant network of educational leaders, enhancing AR Advising’s 1:1 college planning offerings and keeping it at the cutting edge of educational innovation. Ask me a question

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Lisa Margolin

Journey Ahead

Lisa Margolin, the Director of Academic and College Counseling at Journey Ahead, brings her extensive background in journalism, corporate communications, and marketing to her role in college counseling. Her approach is deeply personalized, focusing on aligning students' academic and personal aspirations with their best-fit colleges. At CounselMore, Lisa's contributions to the peer mentor community are invaluable, as she draws on her rich experience to guide new consultants in navigating the complex landscape of college admissions. Lisa's dedication to ethical practices and inclusivity in counseling exemplifies the core values of CounselMore, making her a pivotal figure in fostering professional generosity and shared expertise among educational consultants. Ask me a question

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Eric Endlich

Top College Consultants

Eric Endlich, esteemed faculty of the CounselMore Learning Accelerator and founder of Top College Consultants, is distinguished for his expertise in guiding neurodiverse students through the college admissions process. His deep understanding of the unique challenges faced by students with autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and other learning differences enhances his role at CounselMore. Eric actively contributes to the Learning Accelerator, providing vital training and insights that empower other educational consultants to better serve a diverse student population. His commitment to inclusivity and excellence in educational consulting exemplifies the core values of CounselMore, making him an invaluable mentor and educator within the community.

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April Paris-Joseph

Paris Educational Solutions

Meet April, a dedicated peer mentor and educational services practitioner who brings passion and expertise to her role. With a deep commitment to guiding students through their educational journey, April founded her own educational services practice, where she empowers students to reach their full potential. April's innovative approach integrates CounselMore software seamlessly into her practice, leveraging its robust features to streamline college planning, counseling, and application processes. Through CounselMore, April provides personalized support, helping students navigate the complexities of college admissions while equipping them with the tools and knowledge they need for success. Her commitment to excellence and student-centered approach make April a valuable asset to the CounselMore community, embodying the spirit of collaboration and empowerment in education.

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April Paris-Joseph

Paris Educational Solutions

Meet April, a dedicated peer mentor and educational services practitioner who brings passion and expertise to her role. With a deep commitment to guiding students through their educational journey, April founded her own educational services practice, where she empowers students to reach their full potential. April's innovative approach integrates CounselMore software seamlessly into her practice, leveraging its robust features to streamline college planning, counseling, and application processes. Through CounselMore, April provides personalized support, helping students navigate the complexities of college admissions while equipping them with the tools and knowledge they need for success. Her commitment to excellence and student-centered approach make April a valuable asset to the CounselMore community, embodying the spirit of collaboration and empowerment in education.

This page is a work in progress! Please standby because more Peer Mentors will be posted very soon!

Interested in becoming a Peer Mentor for CounselMore?

CounselMore was started by a conversation among a few counselors, that lead to a research project, that lead to several industry-firsts. CounselMore has been described as a category-defining technology by EdTech Digest and the premiere choice of educational service providers because it was shaped by intentional collaboration among career professionals. Peer mentorship has always been part of CounselMore, long before we organized our community of fantastic mentors to reach more members of the educational services community. Being a CounselMore Peer Mentor is a big responsibility and a whole lot of fun! Sound familiar? Peer Mentors put themselves out-in-front where they can be seen and where they can be best positioned to advocate for their peers. Leading the industry through shared commitment, they spread the word of the CounselMore community.   "Together we know more, together we Counsel More."

Want to add your name to this list? We want that too! Apply today!

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